Current Issue

Volume 51, Issue 2
December 2024
pages (143-153)

Valorisation of shell waste of invasive crayfish from Danube River (Faxonius limosus): Protein extraction and characterization
Hromiš Nevena M., Popović Senka Z., Šuput Danijela Z., Pantić Jovana R., Rakita Slađana M., Tomičić Zorica M., Čabarkapa Ivana S.

Abstract | Full Article

pages (155-166)

Nutritional strategies for laying hens to address environmental challenges by reducing the nitrogen excretion
Vlaicu Petru Alexandru, Untea Arabela Elena, Panaite Tatiana Dumitra, Cornescu Gabriela Maria, Saracila Mihaela, Varzaru Iulia, Oancea Alexandra Gabriela

Abstract | Full Article

pages (167-174)

Faba bean flour and protein isolate as partial substitutes in wheat-triticale bread: Technological and sensory properties
Maravić Nikola, Hadnađev Miroslav, Dapčević Hadnađev Tamara, Pestorić Mladenka, Tomić Jelena

Abstract | Full Article

pages (175-187)

Antimicrobial effects of polyphenols from fermented and non-fermented apple and carrot pomace against Escherichia coli
Anghel Andrei Cristian, Țăranu Ionelia, Orțan Alina, Băbeanu Narcisa Elena

Abstract | Full Article

pages (189-198)

Impact of whey bioactive hydrolysates on the quality of fat fillings for confectionery products
Stožinić Milica V., Zarić Danica B., Rakin Marica B., Lončarević Ivana S., Pajin Biljana S., Bulatović Maja Lj

Abstract | Full Article

pages (199-209)

Changes in bioactive compounds' stability and colour of functional plum spread during different storage conditions
Bajić Aleksandra R., Mastilović Jasna S., Cvetković Biljana R., Kovač Renata M., Ubiparip Samek Dragana N., Djordjević Marijana Z., Djordjević Miljana Z., Dragojlović Danka M.

Abstract | Full Article

pages (211-218)

Effects of natural colourants and pulsed electric field technology on the quality parameters of nitrite-free bacon
Molina Jan Roland G., Frías Celayeta Jesús María, Bolton Declan J., Botinestean Cristina

Abstract | Full Article

pages (229-236)

Comparison of dark and milk cocoa toppings produced by a five-roll mill and a ball mill
Stožinić Milica, Popović Tijana, Lončarević Ivana, Pajin Biljana, Zarić Danica, Nikolić Ivana, Petrović Jovana

Abstract | Full Article

pages (237-251)

Snack products from whole-grain red sorghum flour with paprika and cocoa powders
Janić Hajnal Elizabet, Banjac Vojislav, Filipčev Bojana, Radić Bojana, Kos Jovana, Šimurina Olivera, Cvetković Biljana

Abstract | Full Article

pages (253-260)

Investigation of the antioxidant properties of extracts of spent coffee grounds
Milić Anita S., Tepić Horecki Aleksandra N., Škaljac Snežana B., Šumić Zdravko M., Cvetković Biljana R., Pavlić Branimir M., Jokanović Marija R.

Abstract | Full Article

pages (261-271)

Antioxidative and functional properties of plum oil cake protein isolate prepared by different drying methods
Pantić Jovana R., Šuput Danijela Z., Hromiš Nevena M., Đermanović Branislava B., Popović Ljiljana M., Popović Senka Z.

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